Star Editor for curing various diseases by precisely targeting disordered genes and genomes of pathogens
GeneLancet Biosciences is developing the STAR Editor platform to cure genetic diseases with minimal collateral damage. The platform leverages our intellectually distinct single molecule guide RNA, the LgRNA, which can be manufactured with high purity, and comprises a gene editing template. The platform works in 4 steps.
STAR Editor edits DNA precisely to disrupt and repair diseased genes.
  • Seek a protospacer in the targeted genome by STAR Editor;
  • Tag (cut and anneal) the gapped non-target strand with a ligated ssDNA;
  • Amend (HDR) by host enzymes, which promotes the release of STAR Editor;
  • Release of edited DNA.

STAR editor edits DNA precisely to accurately disrupt and repair diseased genes

LgRNA-enabled PRECISE Repair

  • SegRNA has the DNA template for precise gene editing by a DNA polymerase
  • SegRNA conjugates for nucleus uptake and selective cell-targeted delivery
  • Full-spectrum editing capacity
  • Multiple turnovers
  • Transient multiple-dosing in vivo delivery methods: (1) LNP-based delivery of nucleic acids (mRNA + segRNA); (2) Non-immunogenic RNP conjugates